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【Chill at Home @ Birmingham 伯明翰住家飯堂】


For you in Birmingham! We are hosting dinner gatherings every Sunday at our Hub. Come and share delicious homemade food, fun games and meet new friends together!

活動詳情 / Details:

▹ 日期 / Date:逢星期日(1月7, 14, 21, 28日)/1, 14, 21, 28 Jan (Every Sunday)

▹ 時間 / Time:5:30pm (英國時間 / UK Time)

▹ 地點 / Venue:英倫好鄰舍教會伯明翰聚會處地下 G/F, Good Neighbour Hub, Birmingham 8 The Wharf, 16 Bridge Street, Birmingham, B1 2JS.

▹ 對象 / Target:身處英格蘭中部西區的年輕香港人

▹ 費用 / Fee:自由奉獻( 建議£3) / Free Donation.

▹ 報名方法/Registration: 請填妥此報名表格( ) 請注意,每份報名表只供一人報名用!Please note that each form is for one registration only!

▹查詢/ Enquiries:Rainbow 地區外展主任(西密德蘭)| / +44 7909781193


▹ 活動贊助/ Sponsor: Department for Levelling Up, Housing & Communities

▹ 主辦/ Host:英倫好鄰舍教會 Good Neighbour Church England(慈善註冊號碼 Registered Charity Number:1195452)


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